Education Corner
Hair Restoration news

Tapping Into Regenerative Tissue And Medicine – Regenera Activa Treatment! **TRIAL ENDED
One success of a clinic or indeed a person’s development, is the constant pushing of boundaries. Stagnant water gets very quickly polluted, the key

Feel Better…5 Steps To Maximize Your Donor For FUE Surgery
In the last decade or even longer, we have heard a lot about cloning hair follicles, splitting hair follicles, or even regenerating hair follicles by

Three hair loss errors
One challenge in life and this is valid from buying a suitcase, a pizza, booking a holiday, or indeed having medical surgery or a hair

Dutasteride is used off-label worldwide in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia (AGA) and has proved to be an efficient weapon in the armory against the

PRE-MADE OR STICK AND PLACE? WHAT IS BEST? Let’s get rid of some of the jargon and marketing and look at the facts!
Anyone who has spent time in this industry will know that if you can’t base your reputation on solid and consistent FUE results, then you

Don’t under estimate the need for a consultation!
Depending on the risk, we all like to cut corners, if it isn’t needed then let’s not do it! This is the thought pattern of