How to deal with hair loss?

Hair loss can be a very personal and private issue for many individuals. We have found that very few people discuss their feelings with close friends or family which can cause intense levels of anxiety. Losing or thinning of hair is something that we generally associate with the older generations and therefore it can be extremely difficult for young men to accept, especially considering the modern-day reliance on social media and its constant demand for photographs and selfies.

Whether deciding to confront or accept hair loss, it is undoubtedly a very difficult decision as the fundamental truth is that none of us want to lose our hair.

Technically speaking, almost anyone can have a hair transplant, but this does not mean the procedure is suitable for everyone or that everybody is deemed as a good candidate for surgery. Factors such as age, amount of loss experienced, the potential for further hair loss, donor density and hair characteristics, and the need for realistic expectations all influence how suitable a candidate maybe for a hair restoration procedure. With this in mind, the option to proceed is only offered after a detailed and personal consultation with the doctor before any procedure.

Each and every patient is completely unique and will have unique concerns and motivations for surgery, be they cosmetic, psychological or both. Such concerns must be taken into consideration and appropriately understood to ensure long-term satisfaction for the patient. The objective of a hair transplant procedure is to enhance your level of confidence and overall quality of life both in the short and long term. We believe that this is achieved through communication, education and transparency between patient and doctor and is ultimately delivered by the experience and artistic expertise of the doctor.

BHR Clinic

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