Feel Better…5 Steps To Maximize Your Donor For FUE Surgery

In the last decade or even longer, we have heard a lot about cloning hair follicles, splitting hair follicles, or even regenerating hair follicles by dipping them in Acell..the list goes on. The motivation is good but the outcomes are not so. For the patient, the donor, its density, the make-up of 1s, 2s, 3s, […]
Three hair loss errors

One challenge in life and this is valid from buying a suitcase, a pizza, booking a holiday, or indeed having medical surgery or a hair transplant, is the product reality can often be far removed from the promise and promotion. This has always been the case and always will be. We see the nice food […]

Dutasteride is used off-label worldwide in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia (AGA) and has proved to be an efficient weapon in the armory against the hairloss battle. As a hairloss drug, it has some similarities but also differences to Finasteride. Unlike Finasteride, it will affect both types of alpha 5 reductase, i.e type I and […]
PRE-MADE OR STICK AND PLACE? WHAT IS BEST? Let’s get rid of some of the jargon and marketing and look at the facts!

Anyone who has spent time in this industry will know that if you can’t base your reputation on solid and consistent FUE results, then you need adapt to attract, this means usually you up the marketing and down the graft costs to be able to survive. We all need a USP or a unique selling […]
Don’t under estimate the need for a consultation!

Depending on the risk, we all like to cut corners, if it isn’t needed then let’s not do it! This is the thought pattern of the many and I am also party to it in many ways. Let’s not re-invent the wheel if it is not needed, is how I usually roll. Like I […]

One question I am asked a lot about in consultation, as you can imagine, is density, how dense can I go while performing surgery. I understand the question and the concern, but the answer often is more complex than first imagined, in that, it is not what can I do, but what should I do […]
FUE – How to destroy your donor in a day with smash and grab approach to surgery!

In a previous article we said why FUE extraction patterning is so important, for those who missed it, here it is, and trust me we were not kidding! And here we continue with the demonstration, albeit more visibly, to drive home the message. Well if a picture is worth a thousand words, then what […]
Lasercombs, over-priced gimmick or useful addition in the battle against hair loss? This one claims to need only 90 seconds of treatment at a time for real results! That’s less time than to boil an egg! Let’s review the science and see what works!

HAIRMAX Technology, Photobiostimulation and (fe)male (New) Hair Growth When you want to know about a subject, it is not a bad idea to start with an expert in the field, so with this in mind and with our “Hair Loss Awareness Policy”, we were able to get together with “Medical Laser Expert” Benoit COMPERE, dealer for […]
Three reasons why FUE extraction pattern is important! If you get this wrong, trust me, you will regret it!

FUE surgery, and indeed like most things in life, has levels and quality change, and this is evident with the same product or service usually given, all things are not equal. This came home to me when I was a student and on a tight budget. I was buying bread for a few pence, it was white, no thrills, […]
Preparing for FUE hair transplant surgery and beyond, get it right with some practical tips. A little bit of organisation can make a huge difference.

“Thorough preparation makes its own luck.” Joe Poyer Like all big events in life, preparation is not only needed but is of paramount importance and will certainly pay dividends! This is no different in the hair world and here are some easy, practical steps to help you get ready for FUE surgery! Once you […]